Our team of experts specializes in the fast and effective formation of Amazon FBA LLCs in the US for non-US residents.
Get everything you need to start selling on Amazon with your own LLC company, even if you’re a non-US resident! Our package includes your business Tax ID (Foreign EIN) and more.
We set up your own LLC with the best tax and fees opportunities (LLC established in the state of Wyoming). No State license or business taxes, lowest formation fees.
Your business structure will be compliant with Amazon requirements for LLC type seller. We set up a configuration that will enable Amazon to register your LLC. *Important note : most sellers experience Amazon rejection of their LLC as Legal Entity due to unproper configuration.
Our comprehensive package provides everything you need to start selling on Amazon quickly with your LLC legal entity, so you can skip the administrative hassle and focus on your business.
Access all your company documents 24/7 through our secure client portal, ensuring convenience and peace of mind.
We answer any question within 24 hours (often faster than this).
We can support you with any service for your Amazon LLC such as opening a US Bank Account for your company as a Non-US Resident.